Integrating & Loop Returns

By Nadav Berger
January 27, 2021
3 Minutes Read

We’re thrilled to announce that you can now use store credit refunds as part of your returns process through Loop and integration.

Loop is the leading returns solution for Shopify brands. Loop offers a complete automatic returns portal that will lead more customers to exchange a product than to request a refund. 

About Loop

  • Fully automated returns and refunds portal – offer customers the best return possible through an exchange, store credit refund, or a regular refund portal.

  • Exchange shopping experience – Let your customers exchange their purchases for any product they want, not just a different size.

  • Turn returns into insights – use loop advanced dashboard and reports to learn and better your business.

Benefits of the integration:

  1. All store credit received through refunds accumulates into the loyalty card together with gift cards and rewards.

  1. Offer incentives to customers who are looking to refund a product – give them an extra incentive to shop at your store again.

  2. Track all store credit requests on a single gift card code.